Closed Bug 643618 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Fx4 upgrade DIRECT campaign - specialized download pages


( :: General, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jane, Assigned: jlong)




(3 files)

As Firefox launches it is important for us to reach Fx 3.6 users and get them
to upgrade to Fx 4 as soon as possible. 

We're creating a direct marketing campaign that connects with Fx 3.6 users
directly at all touch points Mozilla controls with segmented messages, and
drive traffic to specially created download pages which continue the segmented
message and CTA to download Firefox 4.

A Fx3.6 user sees CTA from a snippet about Firefox 4 being the best browser for
online gaming.  They click the CTA and are taken to a unique download landing
page (a version of:, which contains
specific visuals and messages that directly speak to an online gamer.

Please read the campaign overview doc for more information:

Bugs and planning doc can be found here:

To go live is 2-3 weeks after Firefox 4 GA.
Note we are aiming for the Website release 2.1. 

Content & design are being worked on currently. I'll add the assets here we when have them in the next few days.
Thanks for the details, Jane. 

Putting this in the 2.0 release for now (code freeze 4/7, live date 4/12) and assigning to you until all the assets are created and webdev has something to get started on. 

Steven - look for this coming down the road. It basically entails building 5 new landing pages that match the current firefox/new structure (basically the only difference will be the main copy and screenshot).
Assignee: nobody → jfinette
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0
Attached image mockup of light update
Attached is the mockup of what the light update to the page will look like, and what elements are changing.  The overall shell will remain the same, but we'll be updating the text (highlighted in pink), and the hero graphic (also highlighted in pink).  The hero graphic will simply be an angled browser mockup (no character illustrations as we have on the live site).  This is the screenshot we were using prior to 4.0.  To fit it in this space, we'll need to scale it up a bit, but overall it should remain the same. 

The contents of this mockup will then change according to the segments and platform.
attached is the same mockup, but with the content areas highlighted in pink.
I confirmed with the team that having S.O. handle the screenshots/design and development would be the most efficient approach.  

Stephen, I know you had some questions around the URL and so forth, so please comment on this bug and the appropriate person will help answer :)

Thanks in advance.
Tara, Stephen is working on the screenshots. Do you have the final copy to go with each screenshot?

Also, is there an approximate lifetime for this campaign and these pages? We can either duplicate the Firefox page for each one of these pages, or setup some kind of variable we pass into the main page to reduce duplicate content. This decision would depend partly on how long the pages will live.
(In reply to comment #6)
> Also, is there an approximate lifetime for this campaign and these pages? We
> can either duplicate the Firefox page for each one of these pages, or setup
> some kind of variable we pass into the main page to reduce duplicate content.
> This decision would depend partly on how long the pages will live.

The lifetime of these pages will likely be 8-12 weeks in total.
Copy is still in progress, but almost done.  cc-ing Matej, and checking in on those bugs in a minute.
Depends on: 644756, 642632
Attached is the product messaging for each addressed segment. This copy should replace existing copy on each of the corresponding staged segment pages (and "X" each platform - PC / MAC / Linux)
Stephen - I think we're good to go here once the messaging has been inserted for each. Thank you!
Copy is updated for review in r87029
Keywords: qawanted
Hi Stephen - thanks so much, after taking a look. I see a few things to fix please:

- in the header "Staying in touch is easier then ever" the "y" and the "i" are touching. Can we add a bit of space between them? Also the word "then" should be "than".

Same thing as with the messaging version, the "f" and the "i" are touching in the header: "The future of music & video today".

I'd like Matej to comment on the 3 sections of copy underneath - I think we mentioned sharing way too often. Matej - do you have a way to smooth this out please?
I've committed an extra 5px of spacing to those two pages in r87031
ah.. they look much better. thank you! :)
Assignee: jfinette → stephen
I think these landing pages look really great. The graphics and messaging
turned out really well. 

Raymond - ready for you to QA! Can you also check for the standard Webtrends
Assignee: stephen → mozbugs.retornam
(In reply to comment #14)
> I'd like Matej to comment on the 3 sections of copy underneath - I think we
> mentioned sharing way too often. Matej - do you have a way to smooth this out
> please?

We could do something like this:

Made for sharing.
• Create dedicated tabs for it
• Customize to make it faster
• Get add-ons that make it easier

The only caveat is that Mayumi's preference was the version that repeated "sharing," so I just want to make sure that everyone is OK with the above revision.
Thank you Matej - I am OK. 

Mayumi, are you?
Hey guys.

The landing page and screenshots look fantastic :)  really happy with how these turned out.  

Quick question:  We had created two screenshots for social media (twitter and facebook) and two for youtube, thinking that we can alternate between them per segment.  It wasn't required to have two, but thought it would be a nice thing to add some variety in there, especially for the social media ones.  Is there a reason why we cut those?  Regardless, they look great.  :)
Hey Tara - very happy to progress with what we have for now. 

We have legals for all partners 95% done. :)
(In reply to comment #20)
> +1

Awesome - thanks Mayumi. 

Stephen -- OK we're now good to go with the new messaging on the social page:

Made for sharing.
• Create tabs just for sharing
• Customize for faster sharing
• Customize for faster sharing

Made for sharing.
• Create dedicated tabs for it
• Customize to make it faster
• Get add-ons that make it easier

Tara: For the social media page, you should be seeing the facebook and twitter screens flipping back and forth in 8 second intervals.

I only created one youtube as I though the second video was an alternative option.
Thanks for the clarification Stephen.

I definitely really like the fade in/out effect.  Now that I see it though, I wonder which will perform better:  The fade with both screenshots displayed, or showing a different screenshot on refresh.  I know people don't "refresh" the page, but not knowing how long the average user sits on the page digesting content... I'm not sure if it's long enough for people to actually see the transition to the FB screenshot.  

Jane/ others, any thoughts on this?
OS: Mac OS X → Windows XP
Let us know if it should be faster. We originally had it at 4 seconds and it felt way to fast.
Assignee: mozbugs.retornam → nobody
Keywords: qawanted
Jane: changes committed in r87058
Stephen look super with the content changes - thanks!

Guys... I actually think its fine as is in terms of the fade. 

Laura or Chowse - would you suggest it being faster? See comment 25-26
(In reply to comment #29)
> Laura or Chowse - would you suggest it being faster? See comment 25-26

Timing feels fine to me. If you were scanning the Twitter screenshot or reading the CTA, you wouldn't want a distracting transition in the middle of it.
Agreed.  I wouldn't make it any faster (that's distracting and annoying) but thought we can see which version (refresh vs. transition) would work best in terms of giving both screenshots visibility.  This is fine as is.  Thanks though.
Priority: -- → P1
This bug has been built and QA-ed. Assigning to James to make sure he pushes today.
Assignee: nobody → jlong
Severity: normal → critical
Closed: 13 years ago
Keywords: push-needed
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Resolution: --- → FIXED
pushed to production r87333
Keywords: push-needed
Component: →
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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